The Nature Photos of Mike R. Jackson
These images are selected from years of photography across the west. The images are printed on canvas and can be shipped to your home or office.
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Fall on Kebler Pass
Kebler Pass is on a winding dirt road between Paonia and Crested Butte, CO. I caught it on a partly cloudy day when the mountainsides were in all stages of fall color.
(1:2) 10×20: $160 | 24×48: $325 | 30×60: $500
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35
Just imagine these on your walls!

Fall Along McClure Pass
A beautiful location in the fall.
(1:3) 12×36: $225 | 16×48: $300 | 20×60: $350
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Million Dollar View
This photo was taken along the Million Dollar Highway, a few miles south of Ouray Colorado.
(1:3) 12×36: $225 | 16×48: $300 | 20×60: $350
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Devil’s Backbone
This location is only a few miles from my home here in Loveland. I have a lot of photos of the Devil’s Backbone, but like the stark appearance in black and white. We have one of these on a bedroom wall.
(1:3) 12×36: $225 | 16×48: $300 | 20×60: $350
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Grand Lightning
This is the “real deal”…no AI or Photoshop tricks. The bolt of lightning had to have been 10 miles long!
(1:2) 10×20: $160 | 24×48: $325 | 30×60: $500
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Alpenglow at Snake River Overlook
When conditions are right, the Alpenglow sky explodes with color. It usually takes numerous early morning trips to get this kind of shot. Needless to say, it can be very cold!
(1:2) 10×20: $160 | 24×48: $325 | 30×60: $500
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Oxbow Bend
I waited until everyone had left the region, then “light painted” the band of aspens at Oxbow Bend.
(1:2) 10×20: $160 | 24×48: $325 | 30×60: $500
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Lost Creek Sunrise
I was doing a photography tour with a couple of photographers on this morning when the sky lit up. We were out very early and were in the right spot at the right time.
(1:3) 12×36: $225 | 16×48: $300 | 20×60: $350
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Grandios Rainbow
Everyone at Schwabacher Landing abandoned the normal viewing areas and were in their vehicles during the rain. I stayed out, getting wet, but had my camera covered. As the early morning rain wained, I could see the beginnings of a rainbow. Before long, it spanned the sky, with the Teton “pot of gold” at it’s end.
(1:2) 10×20: $160 | 24×48: $325 | 30×60: $500

Driving Rain
This capture won first place in in the Nature Division of Cowboys & Indians Magazine’s annual Photographing the West contest. l was prepared that day, wearing fishing waders, a waterproof jacket, and had an umbrella attached to my tripod.
(2:3) 12×18: $160 | 16×24: $200 | 20×30: $225 | 24×36: $300 | 32×48: $400
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Driving Rain
This capture won first place in in the Nature Division of Cowboys & Indians Magazine’s annual Photographing the West contest. l was prepared that day, wearing fishing waders, a waterproof jacket, and had an umbrella attached to my tripod.
16×16: $175 | 20×20: $200 | 24×24: $225 | 30×30: $325 | 36×36: $400
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Rocky Mountain Sentinel
Mouintain Goats can traverse the steep canyon walls in the Snake River Canyon.
(1:2) 10×20: $160 | 24×48: $325 | 30×60: $500
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 –

Life on the Edge
Mountain Goats are some of my favorite mammals. While I have a lot of close shots, I like to see then in their vertical environment.
(1:2) 10×20: $160 | 24×48: $325 | 30×60: $500
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Winged Hunter
This photo was jurored into the National Show at the Lincoln Gallery. The print sold off the wall, one of only a couple that sold. The Great Gray Owl had dropped to the snow to catch a vole, then after devouring it, looked in my direction and landed on a post directly in front of me. I was the only person there!
(2:3) 12×18: $160 | 16×24: $200 | 20×30: $225 | 24×36: $300 | 32×48: $400
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Snuggling Owlets
Baby Great Horned Owls are so cute! Their parents do most of the hunting at night and locate each other via their “hoots”.
(2:3) 12×18: $160 | 16×24: $200 | 20×30: $225 | 24×36: $300
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Hiding in Plain Sight
This is a vertical crop, black and white version of Hidden in Plain Sight, as seen in the Great Gray Owl photo above seen above.
(2:3) 12×18: $160 | 16×24: $200 | 20×30: $225 | 24×36: $300
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

High Country Mom and Kids
This grizzly sow was nursing her cubs when they all heard a noise to their right. The young cubs have their mother’s milk on their lower lips.
(2:3) 12×18: $160 | 16×24: $200 | 20×30: $225 | 24×36: $300 | 32×48: $400
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Prairie Warriors
This capture won first place in in the Equestrian Division of Cowboys & Indians Magazine’s annual Photographing the West contest. I sold a lot of this print in the months following the article. We have one of these on a bedroom wall of our house in Loveland.
(1:2) 10×20: $160 | 24×48: $325 | 30×60: $500
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Winter Stampede
In most years, the bison herd from Grand Teton National Park migrates to the northern areas of the National Elk Refuge, but a half dozen large bull bison were late to the party. I captured the photo before they moved out of sight for the winter.
(2:3) 12×18: $160 | 16×24: $200 | 20×30: $225 | 24×36: $300 | 32×48: $400
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Red Foxes focus on the sounds of a vole or mouse beneath the snow before jumping up and diving face first to capture it.
(2:3) 12×18: $160 | 16×24: $200 | 20×30: $225 | 24×36: $300 | 32×48: $400
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Hoback’s Splashy Step
Grand Teton National Park’s “Hoback” typically sports a drop tine on his left antler, making him easy to identify. snow This shot was captured as he was following a cow moose across a side channel at Schwabacher Landing.
(2:3) 12×18: $160 | 16×24: $200 | 20×30: $225 | 24×36: $300 | 32×48: $400
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Ice Dancer
Trumpeter Swans are exceptionally elegant subjects found mostly in the northern Rockiesduring the winter months.
(1:1) 16×16: $175 | 20×20: $200 | 24×24: $225 | 30×30: $325 | 36×36: $400
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Fall Wood Duck
Wood Ducks are one of my favorite North American Ducks. This image was included in 3 Square Gallery’s “Color” show.
(4:5) 16×20: $175 | 24×30: $250 | 36×36: $400
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Passing Storm
Dramatic clouds roll over the Tetons during the summer months. I’ve always liked this shot in both color and black and white.
(1:2) 10×20: $160 | 24×48: $325 | 30×60: $500
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Passing Storm
Dramatic clouds roll over the Tetons during the summer months. I’ve always liked this shot in both color and black and white.
(1:2) 10×20: $160 | 24×48: $325 | 30×60: $500
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Icons of the Tetons
The Old Patriarch Tree and the Cathedral Group lived up to their photogenic reputation on a morning when the morning sunlight began lighting the primary subjects.
(1:2) 10×20: $160 | 24×48: $325 | 30×60: $500
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Queen of the Tetons
Fampous grizzly sow 399 and her quad cubs were heading to her den in 2021. Unfortunately, she was fatally hit by a vehicle in 2024, capping many years of entertaining the throngs of visitors and photographers in Grand Teton National Park.
(1:3) 12×36: $225 | 16×48: $300
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Mid-Summer Frolic
One of the Teton’s most famous grizzly sow (610) and her cubs posed for a quick photo one morning. Arrowleaf Balsom Root bloom in the area on some years.
(1:3) 12×36: $225 | 16×48: $300
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Frisky Foxes
Expressive foxes can put on a great show during their courtship period. Their coats are always beautiful during the winter months.
(2:3) 12×18: $160 | 16×24: $200 | 20×30: $225 | 24×36: $300 | 32×48: $400
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Peak Season at Oxbow Bend
Mt. Moran is one of the two most photographed peaks in Grand Teton National Park. The special shots happen when the wind is calm, aspens are in prime colors, and clouds fill the sky at sunrise.
(1:2) 10×20: $160 | 24×48: $325
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Morning of Purple
I takes an early alarm to make it to this northern location for sunrise. With grizzly activity in the area, this location is seldom accessible when the Purple Lupines are in peak form.
(2:3) 12×18: $160 | 16×24: $200 | 20×30: $225 | 24×36: $300
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Hilltop Wrangler
Pondering his day ahead, this wrangler stopped in front the Grand Teton Range. This is just one of many photos I’ve taken of the American West.
(2:3) 12×18: $160 | 16×24: $200 | 20×30: $225 | 24×36: $300 | 32×48: $400
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Winter Return
Horses played an important part in the history of Grand Teton National Park and the surrounding areas. Supplies had to be carried in by pack trains and wagons.
(2:3) 12×18: $160 | 16×24: $200 | 20×30: $225 | 24×36: $300 | 32×48: $400
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Dusted Up
Earlier groups of horse had already kicked up a wall of dust as this group entered the scene. I always like the ghostly atmosphere of this photo.
(1:3) 12×36: $225 | 16×48: $300 | 20×60: $350
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Morning Roundup
Rays of early morning light streaked through the dust as the two wranglers pushed the horses to the corrals.
(1:3) 12×36: $225 | 16×48: $300
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

An action packed morning. I never felt like details were as important as the mood in these photos.
(1:2) 10×20: $160 | 24×48: $325 | 30×60: $500
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35

Changing Seasons
This ethereal photo was taken as a fog bank blanketed the front range in early winter. A friend ordered this photo for their living room and it fit their space beautifully.
(2:3) 12×18: $160 | 16×24: $200 | 20×30: $225 | 24×36: $300 | 32×48: $400
Colorado residents: Please allow sales tax of 6% – 9% TBD.
Shipping: $25 – $35