
Wolves and Grizzlies often share the same hunting zones, though the Tetons has numerous packs that spread out as they follow migrating elk.  The Teton wolves are out there, but I never had much luck finding them. Unlike some of the Yellowstone packs that seem oblivious to tourists, the Teton wolves are less likely to come to the roads. Wolves are protected inside the two parks, but can be shot when they roam too far out of the boundaries. 

Willow Flats and the Oxbow area is as good of a place to see Wolves as anywhere in the park. The upper Gros Ventre pack is occasionally seen in the southern portion of the park and may be the same pack seen through spotting scopes in the winter on the National Elk Refuge. Otherwise, Wolves can be about anywhere in GTNP at any time of the year.